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Periódico Food Ethics publica artigo da Prof.ª Stephanie Barboza

Título: Equilibrium of Marketing Systems Concept and Reflection on Animal-Based Industries
publicado: 04/11/2020 09h23, última modificação: 04/11/2020 09h26

O artigo é um dos produtos da sua tese e trata dos sistemas de marketing baseados em produtos de origem animal.

Barboza, S.I.S. Equilibrium of Marketing Systems Concept and Reflection on Animal-Based Industries. Food ethics 5, 22 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41055-020-00080-7


The purpose of this paper is to make progress on the theoretical discussions about marketing systems in relation to the construction of the concept of equilibrium. An argumentative basis was developed in relation to the service-dominant logic, as well as propositions based on the theory of stakeholders, on distributive justice and on the discussion of externalities to consider the product as an agent of the marketing system. In addition, a product typology that sees life as a material basis for delivering a performance developed, arguing that systems based on this kind of materiality require a different moral consideration.

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